Dooars region of Jalpaiguri has a great importance from anthropological point of view. The geographical diversity combining forests, hills and tea gardens houses a large number of ethnic groups - a prominent feature of Dooars.
Majority of people falls under schedule cast and tribes having identical culture, language, custom and religion. Toto- a primitive tribe has its only settlement in Toto Para in Dooars. Rava, Mech, Turi, Drukpa are among the other majore tribes in the region. With the introduction of tea gardens in Dooars plains during the 19th century there has been a steady
migration from the neighboring states like Bihar and Assam and also from Nepal.

Oraon, Munda, Santhal from Bihar started to settle in the tea gardens as daily labors. Slowly they together formed a broader society knows as Madesia and became one of the majore ethnic group in the region mostly in tea gardens. Rajbansi, a schedule cast group under broader Bengali group, is the largest population in Dooars.